Hyderabad Aug 29 (PMI): A written and speech competition was organized by Hozatul Imamul Qayam for their student (boys) under the supervision of its principal Janab Ali Hyder Farishta Qibla and teachers of Houzatul Imamul Qayam –ad-diniya in the event of Eid-e-Akbar, Eid-e- Ghadeer on 18th Zilhijja 1440 (H) correspondence to 20th August 2019 on the topic of “Study of Nahj-ul-Balagha and
Vilayat-e-Alia.s” in light of Quraan and Hadees-e-Nabavi s.a.w.s.
According to Janab Ali Hyder Farishta Qibla the students of Houzatul Imamul Qayam had participated and showed their capability and getting highest marks in the competition were awarded. (Press Media of India)