Monday , February 24 2025

Why is Imam Hussein (AS) the guiding light and the salvation ship?

Read on to find out how Imam Hussein (AS) is the guiding light and lighting agent of the way.

According to the Web site of the Young Journalists’ Club , the issue of the path of the Imams (as) is the subject of the celebration and the prohibition of evil. In the meantime, the uprising of Sayyid al-Shohada (AS) is a remarkable example of that which he sacrificed his life for in defense of the religion of God so that the roots of the religion could be irrigated with the blood of the Prophet and live in history. This is how the lifestyle of Hussein should be regarded as the salvation ship that anyone can establish and adhere to, be saved in the life of the world and the hereafter, and whoever gets out of the circle of Hussein’s life, naturally life It will be misleading, with nothing but confusion, misery and misery.

On the eve of the blessed birth of Imam Hussain (PBUH) with Hojjat al-Islam, Mahmoud Fatahi, a field professor and religious expert, has worked to establish the relationship between the semi-finished pilgrimage, the salvation ship, and the imposition of duty on the celebrated and forbidding the Imam’s lifestyle. Hussein be peace be upon him.

As the religious expert explains, studying the life style of Imam Hussein (AS) can be a lifesaver for us at all times. In fact, knowing the life style of the Prophet is like a ship and a ship that when we try to live like them and know the boundary between right and wrong and adhere to it, it is as if we have embarked on the salvation ship that we will be saved. So we will live in this world with pride and achieve true happiness and peace, and in the hereafter we will achieve lasting happiness and real life.

Comparison of Ahlul-Bayt with the ship of Prophet Noah

A group of the Muslim Ummah, who consider themselves to be the Prophet of Islam, do not follow the Prophet’s family. What is the task of these people?

Allah the Almighty says in the Holy Qur’an: “Allaah of Allah and His Messenger of Allaah” means the Imams of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and the Imams of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and the Prophet (peace be upon him). In fact, happiness and prosperity are given to anyone on board the lifeboat of this family and the misfortune of opposing them, disobeying their orders, and turning away from them. Because, according to God Almighty, who is the Creator and Lord of the universe, the Imams are strong proverbs and divine commandments and their obedience is obligatory on every human being.

Imam Sajjad also has two famous hadiths quoted from the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). They have said: “Have you not heard that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: Like the people of my house is like the ark of Noah, where every man aboard was rescued; It is the children of Israel. “

Read more: Mohammad Reza Sangari: Karbala is not a museum, it is the doctrine / flexibility of Imam Hussein (AS) with the enemy, a lie created by the Yazid Corps

What about the domain?

In the land of Israel, the door was open to anyone who wanted to be rejected, had to bow before the Almighty and bend his back in thanksgiving. In this narration, the Ahl al-Bayt (AS) are likened to the domain that all people must obey these nobles and bow to the Almighty in the shadow and according to their command. Because it is only the nobles who show the proper course of thanksgiving and the servitude of God.

Happiness depends on getting on the lifeboat

Is it correct to conclude that according to the hadith quoted by the Prophet (peace be upon him), whoever does not obey the Prophet (peace be upon him) and abandon their province will not prosper and be saved?

Yes. The same hadith resolves all worries and confusion about finding the right path to life and servitude. As Imam Sajjad (peace be upon him) said: “According to the Prophet (peace be upon him), when the people of the Prophet (peace be upon him) are the only way of salvation and prosperity and all people must be obedient to these nobles, then the way a group of the Ummah “Islam has gone in and saved this ship and bowed its head to anyone except this dynasty, it will have nothing but destruction.”

It is therefore not surprising to believe that a group of the Muslim Ummah who abandoned their most important command of the Prophet in the pursuit of the Ahlul-Bayt (PBUH) have followed the path of hell and led themselves to destruction.

The Prophet’s emphasis on the salvation of Imam Hussein’s Prophet (peace be upon him)

It is true that all the infallible Imams are the cause of salvation and the light of happiness and guidance, but especially Imam Hussein is said to be the Prophet of salvation. What is the reason for this exclusive story, which is mentioned in the dignity of Imam Hussein (as)?

This is related to a quote from the Prophet (peace be upon him) who said: “Ann al-Hussein Mesbah Huda and the ship of al-Najah” in the sense that Imam Hussein (as) is the guiding light and the salvation ship. There are many accounts of this saying of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), which shows that the Prophet (PBUH) has repeatedly emphasized this point for everyone to know and to keep this precious code in the memory of history. Even scholars and traditions from Sunni brothers have quoted this narrative.

For example, it is written in the book Ayun News Al-Reza (AS) that Abi ibn Ka’b was beside the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) when Imam Hussein (AS) came together. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) saw Imam Hussein (peace be upon him) and said: “Welcome, ornament of the heavens and the earth!” “How can anyone other than the Apostle of God adorn the heavens and the earth?” Prophet Mohammed of Islam replied: “By the righteousness of God who has made me a prophet, Hossein ibn Ali’s position in the heavens is higher than his position on earth and written on his right hand about the throne of God: Salvation is a firm imam, a source of honor and honor and a sea of ​​knowledge and treasure. “

How can this lifeguard be guided?

The Prophet of Islam (peace be upon him) and the Prophet (peace be upon him) have specified the way of salvation and boarding the lifeboat. He gave us two important order said: “Annie apex Fykm officers Khztm surely Allah Almighty to us Len Tzlva- book and verse from Nas Asmva bit Etrati and height Blght Nkm Strdvn Ali Alhvz Fasalkm Fltm Ma fi Alsqlyn Book of Allah Almighty and the large Alsqlan He said, “I have two things in your midst that if you give them a pretext, you will never be misled: the Book of God and My Apostle, who are from Bethlehem. Hear, people! I told you that you would come to me by the pond, so I will ask you about your treatment of these two precious monuments, the Book of God and the Prophet. “

The place of knowledge and knowledge in guidance

In the meantime, resorting to the Ahlul-Bayt has three stages that, if each one of the lower levels becomes possible for the individual, the next two stages will be possible for him. The first is knowledge of the Ahlul-Bayt (PBUH). Secondly, through the path of knowledge, love will also be created, and eventually the province will be made possible by the obedience of divine commandments.

You mentioned that the first stage is knowledge. How is this knowledge possible?

Studying the lifestyle and lifestyle of Imam Hussein (peace be upon him) at all times can be salvation and guidance for us. In fact, knowing the life style of the Prophet is like a ship and a ship that when we try to live like them and know the boundary between right and wrong and adhere to it, it is as if we have embarked on the salvation ship that we will be saved. So we will live in this world with pride, we will achieve true happiness and peace, and in the hereafter we will achieve lasting happiness and real life.

It is one of the most important teachings of Ashura to enjoin the good and forbid the evil

Various articles about the life style of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) have been stated that most of the material relates to the Ashura event and the lifestyle of Imam Hussein (PBUH) was less discussed during his life. What is the greatest teaching of the Prophet that we can benefit from today’s life?

The most important point in the life of all the infallible Imams, including in the life of Imam Hussein, is the guidance and call for truth. This is a responsibility that has never been abandoned, and all of our Imams adhered to it and rested their lives on it. Those nobles themselves were on the right path and their main concern was to save the people from superstition and falsehood. Just as other prophets before Khatam al-Anbiya had consoled him against it.

Imam Hussein (as) followed the same path. But the most important thing in the life of the Prophet is to leave the pilgrimage and to leave it halfway. Because in their time, alienation and the properties of society were also on the path of deviation and the religion of God was in danger. Someone was even in the position of a Muslim caliphate who publicly drank wine and did things that were not Islamic. But it was ruling and ruling the Muslims. In this way, Prophet Abbas (pbuh) rose to save religion from the path he was going in, and even sacrificed his noble life and the lives of his family and his best friends.

This uprising was also aimed at promoting good and forbidding evil

It is true. Both of them were forbidden by Imam Hussein (PBUH) and forbidding the disbelief of Imam Hussein (as). As the Quran says: “Vltkn Mnkm nation Ydvn people who Khair and Yamrvn Balmrvf and Ynhvn as Almnkr and Uhlik the Almflhvn should be among you a party invite to good and enjoin good and forbid evil, and they who will prosper. are.”

Of course, it should be noted that the Prophet did not go to the sword in the first place, but repeatedly, even in Karbala, where the enemy was besieging him, with important subjects and subjects about the necessity of obeying God and avoiding error and error. They pleaded guilty.

In the event of Ashura, the one who wielded the sword was Ibn Zayd’s army who intended to kill Imam Hussein (peace be upon him) and his companions. Otherwise, the Imam, in those circumstances, stood only for the religion of God and defended the dignity of God.

Source: Tasnim

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