Hyderabad, Additional Secretary, Govt of India, Sameer Sharma, has asked the officials to expedite the execution of works under the Warangal smart city mission. At a meeting held at the CDMA office today, Sharma fixed timelines to get the works completed as per the schedule. Principal Secretary Municipal Administration Arvind Kumar, Director Municipal Administration Dr T K Sridevi, Warangal Mayor N Narender , Commissioner Shruti Ojha and other officials attended the meeting.
The status of the ongoing projects was reviewed. Development of smart roads, Bhadrakali lake rejuvenation, heritage walk, construction of smart library, improvement of 1000 pillar precinct, padmakshi temple, construction of rain water harvesting structures and storm water drainages are some of the projects which were reviewed.
It was decided that development of roads will be taken up not only in the area based development (ABD), but also beyond it so as to include more roads within the corporation limits. Under the first phase of smart roads being developed by GWSCL for which tender is complete, Sharma asked the officials to complete them by the end of this year. Tender process for the 2 nd phase of smart roads should be held by middle of next month, he added. He asked the PMC to prepare 2 to 3 designs for the roads and come out with smart solutions for easing traffic congestion in the city.
The System Integrator component should include artificial intelligence, e- governance, environment and water sensors, he said. Sharma suggested that the Kakatiya Musical garden should be developed in an iconic manner
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