Armoor, TPCC chief N Uttam Kumar Reddy today alleged that Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao was talking about third front only to divert the people’s attention from the Congress party’s Praja Chaithanya Bus Yatra, which was becoming a big success. “It was ridiculous on the part of KCR to speak about the farmers after neglecting them for four years”, he said.
Speaking to the media here on Monday, Uttam said the public representatives failed to call on a single family of the farmers, who committed suicides. “In fact, there was a need to conduct a debate on KCR rule rather than Federal Front. KCR was enacting a new drama in the name of third front as TRS was going to lose in the 2019 elections.
Stating that Praja Chaithanya Bus Yatra was going on successfully, Uttam said that the elections would be held in December and the Congress would set up government in the state. The TRS government failed to provide minimum support price to the farmers crops and it failed to pay the bills of Indiramma Houses, he claimed and said that KCR’s surveys were bogus ones. He exuded confidence that the TRS will get 10 seats and Congress party will get 100 seats.
Opposition leader in Legislative Council Mohammed Ali Shabbir said KCR was chanting third front because he was afraid of CBI cases.
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