Hyderabad’8 Dec’2024: Union Minister and Telangana BJP President G Kishan Reddy, along with his family, performed the Ayyappa Maha Padi Puja at the Kesava Memorial Engineering College premises in Narayanaguda on Sunda
The grand ceremony witnessed a significant turnout of devotees chanting “Ayyappa Sharanu Ghosh” in reference to Lord Ayyappa.
The 18 sacred steps, known as “Padi,” were adorned with vibrant flowers and illuminated, creating a divine atmosphere. Devotees sang bhajans in praise of Lord Manikantha, while rituals, including the Abhishekam for Lord Hariharasuta, were conducted with great devotion.
Ayyappa devotees from across the Secunderabad Parliament constituency and other parts of the city gathered for the event. Guru Swamy elaborated on the significance of wearing the Ayyappa mala, emphasizing the spiritual and disciplined lifestyle it promotes.