Hyderabad, : The City Cyber Crime Police have arrested two accused identified as Aman Gautham and Kunal Kumar for cheating many persons on pretext of providing jobs by contacting them through mobile phones and emails. The duo was charged under Sections 419, 420 IPC and Sec 66 (D) of ITA Act. The accused were brought to Hyderabad on transit warrant.
In a press note here today, Dy Commissioner of Police, Detective Department, has stated that Aman Gautham, 22, belongs to Noida and Kunal Kumar, 20, hails from Delhi. He stated that on June 12 they received a complaint from a resident of Moosarambagh stating that he was contacted by unidentified persons through mobile numbers in the name of Air India and offered him job and lured him to transfer Rs 99,500 through Google pay and Bank accounts towards registration fee, document verification, certification, security deposit and so on. After transferring the money, he was shocked to find the mobile numbers switched off and complained to the police.
The DCP said the accused have been cheating job-seekers by contacting them over mobile phones and emails. Their modus operandi was that they procure the information of unemployed persons through web portals and make calls posing as Air India officers. They offer them job and collect handsome amounts through Google pay and Bank accounts as registration fees, document verification and so on and switch off their mobile after pocketing the money. The police seized seven Laptops, ten mobile phones, a Computer, CPU Dell Company, One Router, eight debit cards, Passbooks, cheque books, a notebook containing details of victims and attendance register of call centre employees
The DCP has cautioned the general public not to believe such fraudulent job offers and pay money as genuine companies would not collect money to provide jobs. The team headed by Inspector Bhadramraju Ramesh, Sub-Inspector B Venkatesham and others investigated the case under direct supervision of Addl. DCP K.C.S. Raghuvir and cracked the case at Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh.
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