Hyderabad, The Cyber Crime Police have apprehended two criminals — Subhash Kumar, 26, of Jharkhand and Manoj Kumar Ball, 20, of Dhanbad, who were assisting inter-state fraudsters in obtaining debit/credit card details from bank customers by posing themselves as executives/officials of bank.
The duo used to call the customers and make them to give details of their ATM cards saying their bank accounts were blocked. After securing the details of their debit/credit cards, they used to fraudulently transfer the money in e-commerce wallets. The police seized bank passbooks and mobile phones used in the offence from the accused.
The police plunged into action following complaints from Mohd Samiullah Khan of New Bowenpally, Secunderabad and K. Kamakshi of Masab Tank, Hyderabad stating that the cheats stolen Rs 89,986 and Rs 97,547 respectively.
The police team led by D. Prashanth, SI, proceeded to Jharkhand State and apprehended the accused. They were brought to Hyderabad remanded to judicial custody.
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