Hyderabad Jan 18 (PMI): The deceased Smt Chantamma @ OFTEN Chanti @ Laxmi aged 55 years was killed by her husband 67 years old namely Dommeti Venkata Ramana @ Venkat Rao. The accused often used to quarrel with the deceased regard to family matter on that day i.e. 26th day of July 2018 the accused quarrel with deceased when she decided to stay with her daughter at native place but the accused refused it, and quarrel with deceased and hit with electric sump motor due to which she sustained bleeding injuries and died on the spot. Both the accused and deceased has been working in apartment as watchman and maid servant were earning for their livelihood.
The both accused and deceased were migrated to Hyderabad from East Godavari for the treatment of their disable daughter/heart patient. They have three sons and one daughter.
During the course of investigation, Sri T.Komraiah, the then Inspector of Police, Malkajgiri collected evidence, arrested the accused and remanded him to judicial custody. Thereafter Sri A.Manmohan, Inspector of Police took up further investigation into the case and on completion of investigation he filed charge sheet in the court. During the trial, today i.e., 18-01-2021 the Hon’ble XVI ADJ at Malkajgiri Smt . Bhavani Chandra convicted the accused Dommeti Venkata Ramana @ Venkat Rao, 67 yrs,watchman,r/o Goutham Nagar for 7 years RI and imposed fine of Rs 500/ U/S 304 ( II ).The IO Sri T.Komraiah, Inspector of Police, CDO Sri Y.Jangaiah and Sri M.Ganga Reddy, Addl.P.P have attended on behalf of prosecution.
C.P Rachakonda Sri Mahesh M. Bhagwat IPS., Addl. C.P Sri G. Sudheer Babu IPS and Ms, Rakshitha K Murthy, IPS, DCP Malkajgiri appreciated and felicitated the IO, CDO and Addl.P.P for their efforts in getting conviction and announced reward to them. (Press Media of India).