In Uttar Pradesh, Former Union Minister Swami Chinmayanand has been arrested by Special Investigation Team and local police in Shahjahanpur district today morning in a rape case. He was later produced in local court which sent him to 14 days in judicial remand. A medical checkup of Chinmayanad was also done before producing him in court. A law student has accused Chinmayanand of rape and sexual harassment and special investigation team formed by court is investigating the matter. Yesterday only the victim threatened to set herself on fire if Chinmayanad is not arrested immediately. She said that despite recording her testimony under Section 164 and investigation by the agencies for over 15 days Chinmayanand has not been arrested. Last month, the student released a video clip claiming that Swami Chinmayanand harassed her. After the video went viral, the girl went missing and was traced to Rajasthan a week later. Later, she appeared before media and alleged that Chinmayanand raped her for a year. |
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