Nalgonda, Few hours after the police held a press meet in regard to Boddupalli Srinivas murder case, Nalgonda chairperson and Srinivas’s wife Boddupalli Laxmi demanded the state government to order CBI inquiry in to her husband’s murder. She alleged that her husband’s murder took place due to political angle only, and said that there was a big conspiracy behind the murder and made it clear that she will wage movement till she gets justice.
Speaking to the media here, Laxmi said that she was receiving threatening calls. The police neglected their plea for security several times. The opponents murdered her husband by making a phone call. There was a hand of Nakrekal MLA Vemula Veeresham behind the murder. She said that Veeresham forced them to join TRS party and alleged that the murder has taken place with perfect plan.
It may be mentioned here that the police produced nine culprits before the media today and made it clear that there was no political angle behind the murder of Srinivas. The murder took place due to a petty issue at a Mirchi bandi, they said.
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