Hyderabad: June 25 (PMI): Telangana Minister V Srinivas Goud today slammed the Jagan Mohan Reddy government in Andhra Pradesh for looting Telangana waters by construction of illegal irrigation projects. Talking to media persons in Delhi, the minister took serious exception to the AP government for violation of green tribunal, and centre norms.
Srinivas Goud criticized then chief minister of Andhra Pradesh YS Rajasekhar Reddy looting our waters and jobs. YSR deceived our region as he denied jobs to Telangana people in the combined state and grabbed lands in the city of Hyderabad, he charged. Jagan Reddy is following the footsteps of his late father who cheated and looted Telangana region in combined state, he alleged. Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao will not tolerate deceiving tactics of the AP Government, he said. The KCR dispensation is ready to fight and go to any extent he warned.
For Telangana we are ready for any sacrifice and people should get ready to fight with AP, he said. We will fight it at any level and are not ready to lose a single drop of water from our region, he clarified. The Telangana government will not allow AP Government to illegally draw its waters from Krishna River. Though not in Krishna basin, Jagan Reddy dared the state to draw waters to Nellore district, the minister objected.
He flayed that YSR caused the death of P Janardhan Reddy by insulting him by not calling to dais during a program. KCR Government will fight the case at courts to stop the AP government from looting our waters.
In separate meetings in the state, Ministers S Niranjan Reddy and Jagadish Reddy also slammed the Jagan Government on irrigation projects and vowed to protect Telangana waters. (PMI)
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