Friday , March 7 2025

Shia Community in Hyderabad Has No Central leadership, they must themselves improve the Dignity and Grandeur of Mourning Days of Muharam-ul-Haram

By Syed Hussain Ali Sajjad

The sacrifice of Imam Hussain (A.S)  along with seventy two martyrs comprising of family members and companions have offered their martyrdom to protect Islam (Deen-e-Mohammadi) and Shariah (Sharit-e-Mohammadi) in the “Battle of Karbala”

Every Muslim particularly Shia Muslims know very well that Imam Hussain(A.S)  with his family members (including small male kid age of six months and 13 year old child) and companions were deprived of food and water for three days and martyred in the state of hunger and thirst on the plains Karbala in Iraq on the 10th of Moharram also known as Ashoora.

FOR WHAT PURPOSE? It is well known and present in the history of Islam that Yezid bin Muawiya who belongs to Bani Ummaya clan who were against Islam and had opposed Holy Prophet Mohammed (S.A.W.S)  in early days of Islam tried to forbade legitimate laws and replace them with illegitimate laws which were practiced by him thus tampering with the Islamic laws and forced everyone to pay alliance to him. Nobody in the Muslim Ummah had enough courage at that time to stand against the oppression of Yazid and protect Islam from his sinister and devilish thoughts. It was Hussain ibnae Ali (A.S)  grandson of Prophet Mohammed (S.A.W.S)  who stood up against tyranny of Yazid which led to the battle of Karbala.

The Shia Ithna Ashari Community all over the world every year conduct mourning ceremonies (Majalis) in the remembrance of sacrifice of Imam Hussain (A.S)  and his followers at the plain of Karbala for a period of two months and eight days beginning with Moharram-ul-Haram   the first lunar month of Islamic Hijra Calender continued in the month of Safar and conclude it on the 8th of Rabi ul Awwal.

City of Hyderabad (India) is well known all over the world for its Azadari of Imam Hussain (A.S)  and Martyrs of Karbala. Quli Qutb Shah’s the founders of the city were Shia’s and laid a robots foundation for Azadari in their reign. They took the pains to convey the tragedy of Karbala in the local language and presented it before the people and it is due to that today we can see that almost all the villages in the Telangana and Andhra Pradesh the Azadari is observed not only by Shia Muslims but Muslims irrespective of their sect and Hindus participate in large numbers to mark the day of Ashura.

It’s a huge responsibility on the shoulders of Shia Ithna Ashari Community not only to maintain Dignity and Grandeur during the Azadari which they inherited but also take it to new altitudes and propagate and convey the message of Imam Hussain (A.S)  to the Humanity among its fellow citizens irrespective of cast creed and religion.

The Shia community of Hyderabad lacks in central leadership and it is represented by an amalgamation of fragmented groups. In this scenario the responsibility rest on the front runners spear heading various segments of Azadari to cultivate and motivate the youngsters to practice highest degree of etiquettes during the period of Azadari.

Compared to yester years, the Majalis  and processions (Juloos) have increased manifolds, keeping in mind the intensity of the Majalis  it is advised that it should be shortened so that more momeneen will get a chance to conduct Majalis without overlapping or disturbing the existing Majalis.

The Clerics (Ulama), head of Grough’s/Anjuman’s and Zakreen (Marsi-e-Khawn (reciter)  and Noha Khawn (reciter) can play a pivotal role by practicing exemplary manners while participating and conducting Majalis  in order to maintain Dignity and Grandeur during the Azadari. They should see that necessary quantity of public address system is installed, vehicles are properly parked so that the traffic is not disturbed, etiquette  of Majalis are observed by the Azadars and the fore most thing is that all of them should inculcate and exhort the Azadar to be seated in the place of  Majlis by themselves practicing the same.

It has been seen that during the Majlis the Azadars and as well as  prominent personalities Clerics (Ulama),  Zakreenand and   head of Grough’s/Anjuman’s  (Marsi-e-Khawn and Noha Khawn) stands  outside and indulge in smoking, chewing tobacco or engage themselves in worldly talks. At the time of their recitation,they rush inside the place of Majlis trampling over the already seated Azadars.

The standard bearers of the community should refrain from projecting themselves in the Majalis. Their backing or opposing of any issue facing within the community or outside the community should be based on principle stand. It should not be based on just maintaining their splinter groups and exposing the community to more divisions and sub divisions.

While representing community issues they should all fall in one line and represent the community on various levels. The clerics and Zakreen  even though they are not reciting the Majlis should try to be present in the crucial Majalis as show of unity. It has  been seen that the clerics and Zakreen   never attend Majalis other than those which are being addressed by them.

The Clerics (Ulama/Zakereen) should participate in the processions of 10th Moharam-ul-Haram, Arabaeen procession (Matami Juloos) and Chup Tazia like it is seen in other parts of the world where Azadari is observed.

A young Zakir-e-Hussain (A.S) quoted sermon of Imam Ali Ibnae Abu Talib (A.S)  during a Majlis that there are two things one is Skill and other is Character (Hunar aur Kirdar), some people try to hide their character with their skills. (Kuch Log Apne Hunar Ke zarye apna kirdar Chupate hein).

As a writer I know that truth is bitter, many people may not like what I have written, but it reverberate majority of the community voice to maintain Dignity and Grandeur during the Azadari. The community people should come out of the clutches of the sycophant of such Ulema and Zakreen who sits outside the place of Majlis enjoying smoking and thus this has compelled me to write this article. I am aware that I will be vilified from the pulpits and stages but there should be someone who has to show mirror and try to explain the gravity of the problem facing the community. (Press Media of India)

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