Powered By Hyderabad: In a continued effort to curb drugs menace in the city, the Hyderabad City Police has now taken a strategic stride and directed all colleges and other equivalent educational institutions to constitute Anti-Drug Committees (ADCs). On Monday, City Police Commissioner C V Anand has issued a notification which now mandates all colleges and other equivalent educational institutions to constitute an ‘Anti-Drug Committee’ in their institutions, comprising a minimum of five members drawn from faculty and students, primarily tasked to function to prevent drug abuse
It is essential to train young people with the life skills necessary to enable them to deal with different situations without turning to drugs, and the ability to resist peer pressure to use drugs,” he added. Lack of supervision by parents and peer influence often make young people getting addicted to substances. Once entangled, it’s a black hole sinking away all good things in life and causing unbearable distress to their families and the public at large,” said Anand.
Since the colleges returned to normalcy after the pandemic-induced disruption during the last two years, police have now taken up a double pronged strategy legal action alongside sensitising the youngsters which eventually cuts down the demand side in the illicit drug trade. These ADCs that will work under the guiding principles developed by Hyderabad City Police, are entrusted to play a key role in creating awareness on dangers of drug abuse through various digital campaigns, workshops, seminars to ensure their campuses are free from the scourge of narcotic substances.
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