Wednesday , March 12 2025




By Syed Hussain Ali Sajjad

The city of Hyderabad is also world famous for Moharram and significance of Hyderabad Azadari is well known by the Government and authorities. Irrespective of religion people from all walks of life observe Muharram in Hyderabad and participate in Muharram activities. Muharram may be observed this year quiet differently due to ongoing pandemic but Shia Community would like to observe the important event of Muharram in particular Ashoora Juloos and other Majalis without any changes or alterations. The Ministry of Minority Welfare Telangana State called preparatory arrangements meeting of government officials along with the Police Department, other related departments and prominent Shia Community personalities for upcoming Muharram on 11th Aug where the authorities have expressed their views on how the Muharram shall be observed this year due to the current situation of Covid 19 and it is not willing to allow Elephant to carry BIBIs.s.a ka Alam in the ASHOORA procession and allow Self-flagellation procession. They did not declare any order in this regards but expressed their opinion and are intending to take decision on Ashoora procession along with Shia personalities presented in the meeting within two days.

The message of Commissioner of Police Hyderabad Sri Ajani Kumar IPS was circulated on social media in which he delivered a good speech regarding Battle of Karbala and Martyrdom of Imam Hussaina.s in Karbala and it seemed like a Shia orator is delivering the speech about Martyrdom of Imam Hussaina.s but during his speech he appealed to Matamdar who participate in procession of BIBIs.s.a  ka Alam (Self-flagellation Juloos) not to attend the Juloos but he did not said that there will be no permission given for taking out BIBIs.s.a Ka Alam procession.

The Hon’ble Chief Minister of Telangana State have faith on BIBIs.s.a Ka Alam and Imam-e-Zamin and the people of Telangana knows very well that before and after he became Chief Minister of Telangana State he had visited Alawa-e-BIBIs.s.a and have knowledge that apart from Muslims Particularly Shia Muslims our Hindu brothers also pay homage during mourning days particularly during first ten days of Muharram and Alwa-e-BIBIs.s.a.

Also, our Hon’ble Home Minister Janab M. Mahmood Ali is well aware of the importance of BIBIs.s.a Ka Alam Mubarak and he use to tie the Imam-e-Zamin to our beloved Chief Minister Hon’ble Sri K. Chandrasekhar Rao at the time he travelled for his safety.

The history of Hyderabad Azadari is evident and everyone knows the importance of taking out Bibis.s.a Ka Alam Procession on Elephant. Late Sri P. V. Pavitran who was the then Commissioner of Police Hyderabad during the mourning days of Muharram Curfew was declared but he declared  BLACK CLOTHES to be considered as “CURFWE PASS” and the processions of 10th Muharram, Arbaeen, Matami Juloos and other Juloos were taken out. Even in the past when the authorities planned not to allow Ashoora procession or change it actual route but a special request was made and assurance was given by the Hindu brothers back then stating that no incident or riots will take place during the procession of BIBIs.s.a Alam-e-Mubarak while it passes from their localities or business places.

It is a humble request with the authorities to re-think about the Majalis-e-Aza and Matami Processions of 10th Muharram and other processions   which are taken out during the 68 mourning days and issue the GUIDE LINES to take out the 10th Muharram procession on Elephant instead of imposing ban on allowing Elephant to carry Bibis.s.a Ka Alam.

In the last it is requested to Ministry of Minority Welfare and other concerned authorities in the BIBIs.s.a Ka Alam procession (Matami Juloos) to issue some Guidelines to the Markazi Anjuman Matami Grouhan and it member Anjumans or Grouhaan who participate in Ashoora procession (self-flagellation) on 10th Muharram and other processions.

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