Hyderabad-May 19;2021-As per the instructions of the Commissioner of Police Rachakonda Mahesh Bhagwat IPS., Under SWASTHYA SEVA today on 19 th May police distributed medicines and Ration for one month containing Rice, Dal oil tamarin etc and veggies ,One tray of Eggs to 25 covid affected families in the Tribal villages i.e. Rachakonda, Kadilabavi thanda and Thumbai thanda of Naryanpur Mandal. CP Rachakonda Mahesh Bhagwat IPS has appreciated initiative of SHO Chowtuppal Rural. Yadadri Bhongir DCP Narayana Reddy, Chowtuppal ACP Sathaiah and other police officers attended this Programme. “Hands which help others are more holier than lips that pray” CP said
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