Nalgonda / Bhongir: Rachakonda Commissioner of Police Mahesh Bhagwat on Friday visited check post at Gudur toll plaza on Hyderabad-Warangal highway in Bibinagar mandal in the district. He inspected the functioning of check post and instructed the staff to implement lockdown strictly and directed the duty staff to exempt emergency services, patients, hospital visitors and journalists during lockdown hours. Later, he distributed masks, sanitisers and butter milk packets to the duty police.
The Police Commissioner was accompanied by Bhongir Zone DCP Narayana Reddy and other police officials. Meanwhile, Nalgonda district SP AV Ranganath inspected the lockdown situation at various places in Nalgonda town on Friday. He directed the duty police to implement the lockdown strictly and expressed anger as a few shops inside the colonies were opened. He warned of seizing the vehicles of persons, who come on roads unnecessarily and added that stern action would be taken against the violators. The SP advised people to buy essentials during lockdown relaxation time only.