Tuesday , February 25 2025

India’s Markazi Anjuman-e-Matami Grouhaan demands rebuilding of Jannat-al-Baqi

HYDERABAD DECCAN: May 31 (PMI): Syed Najaf Ali Shoukat, World famous journalist and the President of Markazi Anjuman-e-Matami Grouhan, Telangana State demanded the Saudi Government to rebuild Shrines of Fatimat-uz- Zahras.a , the beloved daughter of Prophet Mohammeds.a.w.s and four Imams from her progeny Imam Hassana.s, Imam Ali Ibnal Hussaina.s  Imam Mohammed Baqira.s  and Imam Jaffer Sadiqa.s  at Janat-ul- Baqi in Madina Munawwara.

He said that ninety seven years ago the Saudi Wahabi Government in an un-Islamic act demolished the Shrines of Ahlulbaita.s in Jannat-ul- Baqi on 8th Shawwal. The Shia community all over the world condemn this act and hold rallies and protest marches demanding the rebuilding of Shrines of Ahlulbaita.s at Janatul Baqi. Majalis- e- Aza are also organized on this day. Shia Muslims cannot forget this black day in the history of Islam.

He urged the community members, Olama, Khutaba, Zakereen, President/General Secretary of Anjuman’s/ Grouh’s, Matamdar and Azadars not to take out protest rally this year and postpone it to next year due to the ongoing Lockdown in view of pandemic coronavirus Covid-19 and also organize Majalis-e- Aza thru online platforms on social media and abide by the Government of India and Government of Telangana State  guidelines of social distancing. (Press Media of India)

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