Hyderabad, The Police of Adibatla yesterday apprehended the old accused person Thimmasamudrapu Shiva @ Vamshi@Nanda, age 28 yrs, R/o SC colony, Kodipally village, Kalyanadurgam Mandal, Anantapur Dist, who is involved in house burglary cases in day and night in Telangana and Andhra Pradesh.
The accused was previously involved in 46 house burglary cases at various places. Now, he is involved in cases in Adibatla PS-3 cases , Yacharam PS- 4 Cases , Ibrahimpatnam PS – 4 Cases , Kandukur PS-1 Case, and Maheshwaram PS-2 Case ), and Kurnool Dist four cases.
Police seized 19 Thulas Gold Ornaments, Net Cash – 50,000/-, Total Worth about Rs.6,20,000
When the accused is moving in suspicious manner at manneguda of Adibatla PS limits , he was apprehended by Adibatla police and recovered the stolen property in various cases of house burglary. The accused used to move in the localities of Telangana State and Andhra Pradesh states, by observing locked houses, he commits theft of house burglary by broke open the lock.
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