Hyderabad, Prime Minister Narendra Modi is expected to inaugurate the World Information Technology (WCIT 2018) summit at HICC in Hyderabad on February 19 at morning hours. This was informed by IT and Industries Minister KT Rama Rao. It is said that the prime minister will inaugurate the world event through a video conference from national capital.
KTR took twitter to inform that the prime minister is to address the WCIT India 2018 and Nasscom ILF 2018 program. The theme of the program is fulfilling the promise of the digital age. The summit will see the turnout of 2000 visionaries, 1000 plus minutes of networking, 150 global thought leaders, 50 sessions, 50 unique tech showcases and 30 countries at one platform. Hyderabad is hosting the international conferences and arrangements have been completed the minister said. In case the prime minister is coming to Hyderabad for the world event, it is likely that he is to arrive at Begumpet Airport to reach HICC by a helicopter or by road.
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