Hyderabad, Task Force sleuths, along with Saidabad police, today nabbed a notorious cat burglar Mantri Shankar, an auto driver of Chilkalguda area in Secunderabad and recovered gold ornaments weighing 370 gram, cash of Rs 3,20,000 and a Bajaj Avenger vehicle at his instance.
According to a press note from Hyderabad city police commissioner, Mantri Shankar, an expert in door lock breakings, was involved in over 250 house burglaries and most wanted in the Hyderabad and Rachakonda police Commissionerates. Released from jail in the last week of October, 2017, he went on committing house burglaries during nights along with his associate Obaid, a Rowdy Sheeter of Kalapather. While Obaid drops Shankar on motorcycle in the chosen locality and keep a watch, Shankar completes his task of committing theft.
The accused selected densely populated areas in Old city while Obaid provided him shelter in the houses of his relatives. He committed offences between 1 am and 4 am. After committing theft, he waits on the terrace of the buildings till the morning walkers come out and move in the locality under their cover. With the booty, he leads lavish life with his girl friends. Father of six children, Shankar has three wives, one of them expired. He committed offences in Bowenpally, Begumpet, Marredpally, Karkhana and OU Police Stations.
The accused along with the recovered property was handed over to the Saidabad Police Station. The arrest was made under the supervision of S. Chaitanya Kumar, Addl. DCP, Commissioner’s Task Force, Hyderabad City by K. Madhu Mohan Reddy, Inspector, South Zone and SIs K.N. Prasad Varma, G. Venkata Ramireddy, N. Srishylam and Mohd Thakiuddin and staff of South Zone Task Force.
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