Hyderabad: The Kalapather police on Saturday nabbed one person allegedly involved in the sale of ganja. Police said Ajay Singh (30), a resident of Jiaguda, was caught while he was selling ganja at the ITI Grounds in Kalapather on Saturday afternoon.
Two of his associates who were involved in the supply and sale of marijuana were absconding, according to S Sudhershan, SHO (Kalapather).
Tobacco products worth Rs 3 lakh seized
The Commissioner’s Task Force (south) raided a store at Bahadurpura and seized tobacco products worth Rs 3 lakh being sold illegally, on Saturday. Acting on a tipoff, a team raided Regal Store located at Bahadurpura and caught the owner Rahmath Baig, who was allegedly found stocking and selling tobacco products.
The police seized gutkha and foreign cigarettes from the store. Baig was handed over to the Bahadurpura police for further action.