Hyderabad, Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao today said that the state has borrowed a total of Rs 1.42 lakh crores and not 2 lakh crores as alleged by the opposition parties. At the time of bifurcation of the State, the total debts were pegged at Rs 1.42 lakh crore and Telangana got the loan share of Rs 72, 000 crore from Andhra Pradesh, he clarified.
During his reply to the discussion on motion of thanks governor for his address in the Assembly here, the Chief Minister slammed BJP leader G Kishan Reddy for his comments that the TRS Government failed to spend funds despite obtaining Rs 2 lakh crores. He gave clarification on the remarks made by Kishen Reddy on the loans being obtained by the state government. The details of the loans and expenditure are with CAG, RBI and state finance department, and there is no need for false talk on that, he said. The united AP Government failed to spend Rs 54000 crore as capital expenditure for Telangana out of Rs 1,29,683 crore for 23 districts from 2004 to 2014, KCR informed. He also said that RBI will not allow any state government to get unlimited loans.
The Chief Minister flayed Kishan Reddy for his foolish talk on the loans and said that there is no fact in the comments. He further said that capital expenditure of Telangana in four years is put at Rs 1.25 lakh crore and the people are happy with our schemes. The state gets Rs 10,500 crore income and waived off crop loans in four installments and cancelled Rs one lakh loan as the Centre and RBI denied financial assistance. The state government is committed for the welfare of the poor and under privileged through schemes by spending huge funds. He stated that the government is supposed to obtain loans for implementing various schemes and programs.
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