Hyderabad, Tollywood comedy actress Karate Kalyani once again figured in the news by lodging a complaint with the CCS police on Thursday alleging that a Bhakti channel was airing stories on her lowering her dignity in the society.
She alleged that Ramanananda Maharshi and the Shiva Shakthi Sai TV channel run by him ran a program that was derogatory and caused her mental harassment.
Kalyani came to the police station along with her counsel and said she performs ‘Harikatha’ programs on Lord Shiva and other gods. Recently, she came across a program on YouTube posted by Shiva Shakthi Sai TV. “I was shocked on watching it. I never gave any interview to the channel but they had collected visuals from various sources, edited and used those”, she alleged.
Receiving her complaint, the assured her that they would inquire with the channel management and take appropriate action.
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