Hyderabad, Alleging that the Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao was speaking against the spirit of Constitution, the CLP Deputy Leader T Jeevan Reddy has said that it was not correct on the part of TRS government heads to speak that the farmers, who lost their lands under projects, were approaching Courts only to obstruct the construction of projects.
Speaking to the media at Assembly Media Hall here on Monday, Jeevan Reddy advised KCR to remember that the Courts were part of Constitutional process. It was not correct to KCR to do injustice to the land oustees, he said and claimed that the TRS government was making criticism against the Opposition parties only to cover delay taking place in Kaleswaram project. He also alleged that the farmers, who have lost their lands under Kaleswaram project, were facing injustice under the Siddipet rulers similar to the farmers, who have lost their lands under Sriram Sagar project decades ago, faced injustice during United Andhra Pradesh rulers.
The farmers under Sriram Sagar ayacut were facing injustice due to diverting the water to Mid-Maner illegally in the name of drinking water, Jeevan Reddy pointed out and said that Ellampally water was being wasted due to the failure of TRS government though there was a chance to utilise those waters. He said the Congress party leaders were doing what KCR has done before formation of separateTelangana State in regard to ensuring justice to farmers, who lost their lands for the sake of irrigation projects.