IRCTC’s Tatkal ticket booking rules as they stand now:
1. AC Tatkal tickets booking will start from 10 am and non-AC ticket booking to begin at 11 am. You have to book the ticket a day before the travelling date.
2. If a train is more than three hours late, the passenger can claim complete refund of fare and Tatkal charges.
3. A passenger can claim a full refund if the train’s route is diverted and the passenger doesn’t want to travel on that route.
4. A passenger can claim refund on Tatkal tickets if the train’s route is diverted and the boarding station/destination or both are not on the diverted route.
5. A passenger can claim full refund if he/she is accommodated in lower class and doesn’t wish to travel in the lower class and the passenger has paid the difference if he/she agrees to travel in the lower class.