Hyderabad Aug 16 (Newslines): International Known Shayer-e-Ahlaibaita.s Janab Alamdar Razvi’s new Marasi book “Kayenat-e-Ghum” was released today by Maulana Syed Hyder Zaidi Qibla along with prominent personalities of Shia community Zia Abbas Naqvi Qibla, Syed Hussain Ali Sajjad (Senior journalist) also famous Poets of Hyderabad Shayer-e-Alqama Janab Baqar Mohsin, Shayer-e- Dar-e Batuls.s.a Janab Sajjad Nazar, others and some of the presidents of Matami Ajumans Janab Mir Hyder Ali Anjuman-e-Aun O Mohammed, Janab Raza Ali Anjuman-e-Alabbas, Janab Abbass Ali Anjuman-e- Alamdar-e- Hussainai. Janab Mustafa Kamal who is also a Zakir (Orator) and good religious poet attended the Releasing of
Marasi book “Kayenat-e-Ghum Mahfil”. In the beginning Shayer-e- Sarkar-e-wafa Janab Alamdar Sahil recited Salam and Janab Pervez, Janab Muzaffar and Janab Samsam recited newly written Marasi of Janab Alamdar Razvi.
Maulana Hyder Zaidi Qibla appreciated the efforts of Shayer-e- Hujjat-ul- Asr Janab Alamdar Razvi on giving a new format to write Marsiya which directly start with Masayeb, Janab Hyder Zaidi qibla said no doubt some things (Lawazemat-e- Marsiya is there like Chehra, Saqi Nama, Gurez, Rajas etc but the new generation does not know all these things and not having any knowledge about it, he did not avoid the necessity of the above said Luwazemat-e- Marsiya but to recite the Marasi in the daily number of Majalis this type of Marasi is essential. He thanked to Janab Alamdar Razvi and request with other poets to follow up the new efforts of Alamdar Razvi’s.
The New Marasi written by Alamdar Razvi was recited before his Marasi Book “Kayanat-e- Ghum” is released and Azadar who attended the Majlis were crying a lot because the new Marasi written by Alamdar Razvi was directly putting outcome of masayeb of Marasi on their heart. (Newslines)