Warangal Police Commissioner Dr. Tarun Joshi IPS
Warangal’2 Dec ‘2022-(PMI) The Police Commissioner said that the Police Commissioner has been able to excel due to the full cooperation of the Warangal Commissionerate Police officers and staff. Warangal Police Commissioner Dr. who is going on transfer to the office of DGP as per the orders of the government. In honor of Tarun Joshi, armed reserve police organized a farewell parade. Personnel of Armored Reserve, Civil, Traffic and Home Guard Police conducted the khawatu. After that, he was felicitated and presented with a memento. On this occasion, the Police Commissioner said that the armed reserve department has successfully performed the duties entrusted to the police during the lock
down and peace and security. Warangal Police Commissionerate Police is unique as the police officers and staff of all the departments under Warangal Police Commissionerate are working in coordination. Warangal Police Commissionerate will be completed in the coming days. Officers are staff. Personal problems are being solved quickly. This year’s Medaram fair held as traffic in-charge will remain a sweet memory for me. Also, the police commissioner said that by performing duties according to the aspirations of the people, people’s respect and trust in the police will increase.
At the end of this program, Warangal Police Commissioner, DCP level officer of the Commissionerate in a jeep beautifully decorated with flowers, the Home Guard personnel pulled the rope of the jeep and showed their affection to Chatu Police Commissioner Dr. Farewell to Tarun Joshi. DCPs Venkatalakshmi, Sitaram, Additional DCPs Vaibhav Gaikwad, Pushpa, Sanjeev, Sureshkumar along with ACPs, RIs, Inspectors, RSI, SI administrative department staff and other police personnel participated in this program.(ٖpress media of india)