Hyderabad-The Hyderabad police arrested seven people on Tuesday for fabricating and selling fake educational certificates. The arrested people worked for two overseas consultancies in Hyderabad, but the kingpin is in absconding, said the police. They gathered information who wanted to study or work overseas and offered the relevant certifications for a fee.
“Aside from SSC and Intermediate Education certificates, the police seized degree certificates from various universities such as Osmania University, Telangana University, Andhra University, Rayalaseema University, Anna University-Chennai, Bangalore University, Chhatrapati Shahu Ji Maharaj University-Kanpur, Rajasthan University for Health Science, Symbiosis International (Deemed University)-Pune, and others,” Chakravarthy Gummi, deputy commissioner of police, said (Task Force, South Zone). The suspects were arrested in a joint operation by the Commissioner’s Task Force (South Zone) and the Chaderghat Police.
The official says that Md Habeeb, 32, started Fly Abroad Consultancy service in Malakpet area in 2015 and has since provided paid fake educational certificates to candidates with the help of Sunil Kapoor from Delhi. He has already been taken into custody in connected cases by the Bahardurpura and Saroornagar police.
After his release from jail, he joined hands with Abdul Rauf, 36, of Eduwise Overseas Consultancy at Abids. Besides Habeeb and Rauf, the police arrested their employees Mohd Irfan, 28, Shanawaz Khan, 29, Mohd Zubair, 34, Salman Khan, 29, and Mohd Abdul Sattar, 33, for their role in the fraud. Eleven cell phones and four laptops were seized from them. The DCP appealed to the public to not fall for such frauds to secure back-dated fake certificates and warned of legal action if anyone is found involved in such activities