Hyderabad, Ashwani Lohani, Chairman, Railway Board (CRB) has conducted cold weather night foot patrolling along with patrolmen in Delhi-Rewari section in the intervening night of January 6 & 7. As the head of the institution, he had firsthand experience and took major decisions in connection with Staff welfare and working conditions.
CRB walked on track in full patrolling beat of 2kms + 2kms in extremely cold weather conditions, with patrolmen and closely watched and experienced first-hand the difficult task of patrolmen. He interacted with patrolmen & supervisors and examined their safety equipments, protective clothing, boots and fluorescent jackets.
The Chairman, Railway Board suggested to carry out changes and passed instructions that -Instead of overcoats, good quality jackets be supplied preferably yearly as against overcoat once in 3 years. Supply of good quality industrial boots by procurement, over & above the uniform allowance.
Supplying high intensity chargeable type torches and LED type HS lamp instead of kerosene based lamps.