Hyderabad, Though there are 17.3 lakh electricity connections in Hyderabad and 21.65 lakh in Ranga Reddy District with partial connections falling under GHMC limits, only 14.7 lakh properties were registered in GHMC property tax data. The difference has made the GHMC to identify all the unassessed properties but availing other government facilities.
With help of Integrated Citizen 360 degree approach, an algorithm has been designed to perform comparison based on Name and Door No. in the integrated database and bring into light the assessments not paying Property tax in GHMC. This activity has resulted in identifying 13.08 lakh electricity connections and 5.58 lakh connections of Water Board not matching with any of the records of the GHMC.
On a pilot basis, an SMS campaign has been initiated to send information to such property owners to voluntarily come forward and assess their properties. However, the data mining may not lead to cent percent accuracy due to various factors at field level. Hence, a complete implementation of this exercise is scheduled to start from April first week with field inspection and verification. A similar exercise was also planned for trades established in GHMC, paying GST fee but not Trade License. This activity will help identify new tax payers, scrutiny of existing tax payers whether classified as domestic/commercial usage in comparison with other departments’ data, default tax payers.
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