Hyderabad, Animal Husbandry & Fisheries Minister Talasani Srinivas Yadav today directed the District Collectors to focus on to increase fisheries production in all the villages, towns and districts through Integrated Fisheries Development program by using Rs 1000 crore. Conduct wide ranging campaigning and publicity to create awareness among the fishermen and conduct workshops on April 7, he told the Collectors.
During a video conference from Secretariat with top officials here, the minister stated that Rs 1000 crore was being spent for Integrated Fisheries Development across the state. Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao was determined to empower fishermen and other community-based professions by spending adequate funds, he said. “The Collectors should take a lead to ensure that fisheries community empower financially. The Collectors should take immediate steps to increase fisheries production through a massive campaign and workshops at all levels for fisheries development in districts.
Srinivas Yadav listed the measures being opted by the government for the fish production in lakes, ponds and water bodies, funds, marketing and subsidy material and other facilities for the fishermen. He said Rs 204 cr was being spent for hatcheries, fish seed centers, Rs 82 cr for crafts and nets on subsidy rates for fishing, Rs 370 cr for marketing and related facilities.
The minister said 4,000 fisheries cooperative associations comprising three lakh fishermen will benefit directly and 24 lakh of their families indirectly. The Government spent Rs 42 cr to drop 51 crore of fish seed in 11,067 lakes and water bodies during 2017-18 for the purpose, he said. There was ample scope for the fisheries production in the State and the officials were instructed to take necessary steps immediately, he said.
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