Friday , October 18 2024


 Hyderabad, May 5: COVID-19 has pushed the whole world into Lockdown. Which resulted in a pandemonium.  Everybody was busy taking care of themselves. And some lakhs needed help. Going beyond the call of their respective duties, Cyberabad Police and SCSC (Society for Cyberabad Security Council), set up a “24×7 COVID-19 Control Room and Relief”, a first in the state of Telangana.

Both Police and IT professionals have gone beyond their prescribed duties, served humanity with utmost dedication in this historic crisis. And their combined relief effort of 1, 62,000 man hours received applauds from wide range of people who received the relief.

The collaborative COVID-19 Relief work of Cyberabad Police and SCSC has set an example how a collaborated effort can be very effective. Their joint relief measures have become a talk of the nation.

To survive an unprecedented crisis like coronavirus, the Cyberabad Police needed wartime leaders and SCSC rose to the occasion”, says VC Sajjanar, Commissioner of Police Cyberabad &Chairman of SCSC

In a statement issued in the city today, the top cop VC Sajjanar gave an overview of the wide range of relief activities taken up in the past 45 days.

Adding, Krishna Yedula, General Secretary of SCSC says, the IT industry earned global recognition for Hyderabad.  And the major chunk of IT Industry is located in the limits of Cyberabad Police Commissionerate, which makes the relief measures all the more challenging. Realising this, SCSC swiftly swung into the action.

SCSC is the unique and collaborative body between IT-ITES Industry and Cyberabad Police which formed way back in the year 2006 and has been working since then for safety & security of IT hubs in Hyderabad.

Cyberabad Police & SCSC was the first in Telangana to Set up a “24×7 COVID-19 Control Room.  The Collaborative efforts has achieved many firsts to its credit. It was the first to launch an Emergency Ambulance Service. Covid-19 crisis lead to rise in demand for ambulances. And we responded very fast to the demand, adds Sajjanar.

When the whole city was struggling to digest the outbreak, we were the first to launch a Disinfection Boom Sprayer Vehicle, shares the  Police Officer.  And we pressed its services before any further time loss. Disinfectant sprays & concentrates keep the surroundings safe.  When the outbreak of disease is high, it becomes all the more important to take extra efforts to keep surroundings free from disease causing bacteria.

“In this united fight against the COVID, we were the first to Launch the Blood Donation for Thalassemia Patients much before it became a big crisis in the city”, adds Krishna Yedula.

We coordinated multiple telecons with leaders of IT, Pharma, Hospital & Developers facilitated passes and permits to over 12000 critical staff in IT and Pharma. Quickly mobilised manpower Support of 150+ Volunteers, 130+ Security guards and 30+ Drivers shares Krishna Yedula.   All the volunteers are IT employees who have been working relentlessly with their selfless service for the past 45 days in the distribution of food and groceries to the need, he adds.

Who is Police? Police are public and the public is the police. In a Pandemic situation like COVID, everybody has every other role to play. Keeping that in mind IT and ITES employees joined hands with Cyberabad Police and SCSC. With their support, an ambulance service was launched in the Covid Control Room. A dis-infection spray vehicle ‘Boom’ was unveiled, adds Krishna Yedula.

Over the last 45 days since the world went into Lockdown, the collaborative action team facilitated the distribution of over 6 lakh packs of Cooked Meals and 48000 grocery packets to migrant and stranded labour. Several members of SCSC donated PPEs (Personal Protective Equipment), Face Masks, Shields and Sanitizers.

As the coronavirus outbreak spread across the country, a dangerous blood shortage threatened to create another public health crisis. One frontline COVID Doctors alerted, “Let blood shortage not kill our patients, he told us.” People with thalassemia, especially children faced “blood shortage”. And there was an appeal for blood donations from the medical community. The team swung into action and organised several camps in collaboration with Red Cross and collected well over 1000 units of blood in this crisis, which is not a normal thing.

SCSC conducted a webinar to address queries of IT employees who were working from home while taking care of household activities on any concerns relating to domestic violence etc during this Covid-19 lockdown. The webinar got an overwhelming response from 100+ women.

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