Madhapur:The Cyberabad police stepped up its drive against marijuana trade in Cyberabad Commissionerate limits and conducting raids daily. Bulk buyers, local retailers and drug transporters are on police radar to curb drugs peddling and usage. On Thursday and Friday in Cyberabad limits, two cases were registered and seven offenders were arrested. About 1.5 kg dry marijuana, 88 weed oil bottles, 1 gram MDMA drug, 3 LSD papers and 12 marijuana saplings weighing 4 grams were seized. 123 E-petty cases were registered. According to police, Cyberabad Commissioner of Police Stephen Raveendra had imposed PD Act on 11 drug offenders till date within the limits of Cyberabad Police Commissionerate. Police requested everyone to inform them regarding information related to drug suppliers through Dial 100 or through Cyberabad NDPS Enforcement Cell 79011 05423 or Cyberabad WhatsApp number 9490617444.
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