Hyderabad, Jan.27 (PMI):Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy has directed the officials to prepare an estimated budget to provide one Tola Gold as well as one lakh cash through Kalyanamastu scheme.
The Congress party, during the recent Assembly elections, had promised ten gram gold to each eligible woman at the time of marriage, besides Rs 1 lakh cash under the Kalyanamastu scheme. The Chief Minister held a review meeting with BC, Minority and Tribal Welfare departments at Secretariat here on Saturday and discussed various issues, including the promise of one Tola Gold.
Ministers Ponnam Prabhakar, Seethakka, Government Adviser Shabbir Ali and officials of concerned departments were present. Revanth also asked the officials to provide full details regarding Gurukula schools running in rented buildings in the State. Officials were directed to estimate the total budget required for running all types of government welfare hostels in Telangana and to release the budget through green channel based on the estimated cost.
” At first, you can identify available lands and prepare an estimated report for the construction of own buildings where these are required,” the Chief Minister said. (pressmediaofindia.com)