Hyderabad, Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao has condemned the attacks on Dalits on Monday when the latter in the entire country were organizing Bharat bandh. The CM called upon the people of the country and the society to stand by the Dalits, who are economically, socially and politically suppressed for generations.
In a statement here today, the Chief Minister reminded that special rights were incorporated in the Constitution and the successive governments at the Centre enacted Laws to protect the rights and interests of the Dalits. He said the governments have a bounden duty to ensure that the Laws and Acts made for the Dalits should be implemented properly. He also said the Dalits were feeling that the recent Supreme Court guidelines were weakening and diluting the Laws and Acts meant for their protection. The Judiciary should take into account the feelings, agony and opinion of the Dalits, he added. He further said the governments, which are supposed to ensure implementation of these Acts, should also respond to the guidelines issued by the Supreme Court reflecting the larger Dalit sentiment.
The Chief Minister said Prime Minister Narendra Modi should speak to the Supreme Court Chief Justice in this regard. He urged the PM to place before the Supreme Court as how the guidelines issued by the Apex Court are punching holes in the SC/ST Atrocities Prevention Act. The Union government should take a sympathetic view on the ongoing agitation launched by the Dalits, who are crestfallen with the SC guidelines. The Centre also should inculcate faith in the Dalits and assure them that it stands by them, the Chief Minister added.
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