Hyderabad, Amid escalating criticism from BJP leadership against Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao for his recent comments against Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the issue has become a debatable, TRS MP Kavitha today reacted on the row and clarified that sometimes leaders slip their tongue when got emotional on key issues like farmers suicides and welfare steps. “It was not intentional and we, the TRS leadership, not turning mean or degrading to demoralize the Prime Minister”, Kavitha said.
Kavitha’s remarks assume importance as Defence Minister Nirmala Sitharaman fuming against Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao’s comments against the Prime Minister during a meeting. On Thursday in Hyderabad, Niramala took serious exception to KCR’s comments on Modi and sought an explanation. The Defence Minister also said it was so painful that the Chief Minister made some unwarranted remarks against the Prime Minister and sought to know the reason why.
At this backdrop and the TRS aiming to take on the Centre on agriculture sector, Kavitha defended that the BJP was trying to gain politically on the issue. “Even Narendra Modi slipped his tongue earlier stating that six crore people of India voted him to become the Prime Minister which was wrong”, she said. She said, “KCR might have used some strong words against the Prime Minister keeping in mind the farmers’ issues. Of course, it was not intentional and it was only to address the key issue of farmers which will be raked up in Parliament”, the MP said.
“The Centre failed to focus on farmers’ welfare despite repeated appeals from the Telangana State and we are in favour of special status to Andhra Pradesh since bifurcation. The TRS MPs will raise their voice for implementation of AP Reorganization Act and demands of the Telangana government with regard to farmers’ issues, ongoing projects and developmental programs. We will also raise the issues pertaining to the State development in the budget session of Parliament as per KCR’s directive”, she added.
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