Mumbai, July 15: Stock exchange BSE on Friday said it will move the scrips of 48 companies to Group “A” category with effect from July 17. The group “A” category comprises of firm whose stocks are the most actively traded and are known to have maintained high standards of compliance and corporate governance.
According to the BSE, securities of companies such as InterGlobe Aviation, Aditya Birla Fashion and Retail, Crompton Greaves Consumer Electricals, Future Retail, IDFC Bank, Tata Motors (DVR) and Larsen and Toubro Technology Services among others will be shifted from Group “B” to Group “A”.
“The current review of Group ‘A’ companies has been carried out based on March 2017 numbers,” the BSE said in a statement.
The statement added that BSE reviews Group “A” companies every six months based on their performance on the basis of market parameters as well as in the areas of compliance, corporate governance and responsible investment.