Hyderabad, Former Union minister Balaram Naik has alleged that the Forest officials have taken back Podu Lands Pattas, which were given during UPA regime, from tribal people in the name of Haritha Haram program in Bayyaram and Gudur areas in Mahabubabad district.
Speaking to the media at Gandhi Bhavan here on Wednesday, Naik said tribal farmers committed suicides for taking back Podu lands from them. He demanded the State government to extend Rs 5 lakh ex gratia to each of the bereaved families. The fake Mirchi and cotton seeds business was ruling the roost, he remarked and said the farmers were losing heavily due to fake seeds. He also demanded that the State government conduct a review meeting on the issue as TRS MLCs were behind the spurious seeds sale.
Another leader Ramulu Naik demanded that the State government erect Sevalal Maharaj statue at Banjara Hills besides announcing a holiday marking Sevalal Maharaj Jayanthi
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