Hyderabad, Irrigation Minister T Harish Rao will present Arun Sagar best journalist awards at Potti Sriramulu Telugu Universityon January 2 at 6 pm, Telangana Press Academy Chairman Allam Narayana said. He said in a press note that noted poet Goreti Venkanna will be conferred with Arun Sagar literary award on the occasion. He also said that TV 5 News Channel is sponsoring the program. Noted journalist Palagummi Sainath will address on “Social Media- Main Stream Media” on the occasion. Allam Narayana said that Roads and Buildings Minister Tummala Nageshwar Rao will be guest of honour, MLC Palla Rajeshwar Reddy, TV 5 MD Ravindra Nath will attend the program.
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