Hyderabad April 7 (Newslines Hyderabad): All India Shia Chand Committee under the patronship Moulana Syed Kalb-e-Jawwad Saheb Qibla (Lakhnow) appeal with Momeneen (Shia Muslims) to perform prayers of Shab-e-Baraat (aamal-e-shab-e-barat) at homes as the Coronavirus/COVID-19 Lockdown is still inforce and we have to obey the orders of the Government which is implemented to prevent and protect to us from Corona Virus/COVID-19 infection. Kindly performed AAMAL-E- SHAB-E-BARAT on 8th April 2020 in homes and the committee wishes the Zahoor-e-Imam-e-Zamana Hazrat Hujjat-ul-Asr Imam Mehiatfj which will be observed on 15th Shabaan Thursday corresponding to 9th April 2020. (Newslines Hyderabad)