Hyderabad: Parents are waiting with thousands of people for the whereabouts of their son who went missing in the fire incident that took place in Hussain Sagar on Sunday night. They are crying with tears. A young man went missing in the fire incident that took place in Hussain Sagar. It is known that the fire accident occurred when firecrackers were set off from a boat in the waters of Sagar during the Maha Aarti for Bharat Mata on Sunday night. In this incident, Ajay (21), a B.Tech student from Nagaram, went missing since the night.
DRF teams and divers searched for the young man from Monday morning till evening, but his whereabouts were not found. Another person injured in the incident, Ganapathi (22), is undergoing treatment at Yashoda Hospital in Secunderabad with serious injuries. Two others, Praneeth Kumar (32) and Sunil (35), are reportedly recovering in the same hospital. A man named Veera Venkata Narayana was discharged from the hospital after sustaining minor injuries. However, the missing youth’s parents, Janakiram and Nagalakshmi, are crying in tears as they surround the Secretariat police. It is learnt that the missing Ajay is a third-year student at Geetanjali Engineering College.(PMI)