Hyderabad, May 16, 2022: The Meerpet police on Monday arrested a person identified as Ashok who was said to be the manager of the a private Swimming Pool, after the accidental drowning of a 10-year-old boy on Sunday. According to the police, M Manoj Kumar and his parents from Lingampally had come to his grandmother’s place in Chaitanyapuri for summer vacation. On Sunday, the family took the children to the Swimming Pool at Samathapuri Colony in Hyderabad. Manoj apparently had jumped into the deep end of the pool and by the time his parents realized what happened the boy had drowned. The parents tried giving him first aid and immediately rushed him to a hospital nearby. But the doctors declared brought dead. The family members alleged that the boy died due to the negligence of the pool staff as they failed to provide any safety equipment. The incident took place while the coaches were taking a rest in a room and there was no one present near the pool. The parents and family members of the boy have set up a tent and are protesting in front of the swimming pool demanding justice. They have alleged that even a day after the incident, so far no official or the pool management has responded. They demand that the pool management should be punished severely for negligence and extend support to the victim’s family members. Police registered a case against Swimming Pool management and an investigation is in progress. The boy’s body was sent to Osmania Hospital for a post-mortem examination which will be held on Monday.
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